I have Stardust Dragon and face down Assault Mode Activate, its my opponent's turn, he activates Double Summon, he summons Hyper Synchron and Hunter Dragon, Synchro summons Black Rose Dragon and activates Hyper Synchrons effect and the effect of BRD chained it and I suddenly activated Assault Mode Activate sacrificing Stardust Dragon to summon its Assault version and Black Rose's effect activates to destroy all cards and its successful, it destroyed my Stardust Assault and Hyper Synchron's effect chain resolved, now, my question is does Stardust Assault's effect still activates to special summon Stardust Dragon from the grave or not? the effect was chained by the Effect of Hyper Synchron since the effect of Hyper Synchron first activated and caused a chain, so the effect became last, so, does Stardust Assault still activate