2007-03-09 16:47:55 UTC
dark piercing light x1(magic)
needle worm x1
command knight x1
hero ring x1(trap)
kaiser sea horse x1
elemental hero stratos x1
winged kuriboh x1
breaker the magical warrior x1
big core x1
card destruction x1(magic)
chthonian soldier x1
soul release x1(magic)
b.e.s. crystal core x1
pot of avarice x1(spell)
gemini elf x1
giant trunade x1(magic)
scapegoat x1(magic)
torrential tribute x1(trap)
negate attack x1(trap)
lightning vortex x1(spell)
rocket warrior x1
blade knight x1
magician of faith x1
jinzo x1
kinetic soldier x1
soul exchange x1(magic)
manticore of darkness x1
mystical space typhoon x1(magic)
dark mirror force x1(trap)
vorse raider x1
after genocide x1(magic)
hino-kagu-tsuchi x1
magic cylinder x1(trap)
call of the haunted x1(trap)
trojan blast x1(trap)
premature burial x1(magic)
goldd, wu-lord of dark world x1
monster reincarnation x1(spell)
a feather of the phoenix x1(spell)
graceful charity x1(magic)
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