What's the best way to bluff at poker?
2006-01-24 18:10:53 UTC
What's the best way to bluff at poker?
Four answers:
2006-01-24 22:06:54 UTC
This basically applies to Texas Hold'em:

You need to "simulate" that you have a certain cards, then bet as if you have those cards the entire hand. The "story" has to add up to the other players. For example, start your betting pattern as you have Ace/King offsuit. If a King comes up on the flop, then you bet as if you have a pair of Kings with an Ace kicker. You get the idea.
2006-01-25 11:20:23 UTC
Play tight at first, set a table image for yourself. It makes it a lot easier to bluff if players think your playing only good hands. Two, stay calm no matter what you have, don't let you expression change.
2006-01-25 03:33:10 UTC
The best bluff is not to bluff but get others to believe you are bluffing.
2006-01-25 03:25:44 UTC
wear polarized sunglasses like they do on that poker tour thingy. so u could make eye expressions and no one would notice.

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