Chris Otero
2013-01-04 11:36:39 UTC
Drogskol Captain
Battleground Geist
Stormbound Geist
Nibils of the Breath
Invisible stalker
Welkin Tern x3
Gryff Vanguard
Gallows Warden
Voiceless Spirit x2
Nibils of the Mist
Chapel Geist
Ajanis Sunstriker
Knight of Glory
Guardians of Akrasa
Griffin Protector
Voice of the Provinces
Aven Squire
Island x13
Plains x13
Talrands Invocation
Spectral Prison
Geist Snatch
Feeling of Dread
Midnight Haunting
Angelic Benediction
Pacifism x2
Self Passage
Glorious Charge
Show of Valor
Phyrexian Hulk
Ghoulcallers Bell
I understand that it may not be good, I just had surgery done this morning so I cant test it out for a few days, but I was hoping to get some feedback on it beforehand. Again, this is my first time making a Magic deck, please dont just tell me I suck at it and to not try, I really enjoyed playing with my friends decks and wanted my own.