do you think 200 yugioh cards are worth $20?
2006-03-17 16:06:16 UTC
if not list your more/less price. if agree say so.
Eight answers:
2006-03-23 13:09:47 UTC
Are they a bunch of commons and an uncommon? That's what it sounds like to me. Odds are that if they're shiny, somebody wants'em. And if enough people want them, it has a high value.... Like Dark Magician Girl. Not the best card in the world, but people want it.

Always, ALWAYS price your cards from a reliable site like or from the latest issue of Scrye. That way, you'll have an idea of how to haggle... "Look, buddy, it took me a couple of twenties to GET this card so..." ... and then raise you price a bit. Not much. A couple of dollars will suffice.

Happy selling! :3
2016-05-20 04:12:11 UTC
Mirror Force isn't worth $83 if it's mint, it's $30 at most, but since you said it has a huge bend, the most I would pay is $5 Blue Eyes/Right Arm in your condition = $1 Gaia = $1-3 Blue Eyes = $1-5 Time Wizard = $1 If they are not mint with bends and such in them, you can maybe get $1 a piece on them
2006-03-24 08:30:54 UTC
OF COURSE THEY ARE... (even the simple cards add up to that much) If you do the math, It's saying that each card is worth 10 cents (American currency) and from what I've seen, cards normally rage about $.15 to $.30 then the rarer the card the more it's worth lIke I know of a Mirror force from a certian pack If it's foiled it's worth $90.00 (I have about 1000 cards in one collection which is STILL growing, and I look up prices every now and then..)
2006-03-18 02:27:52 UTC
depends what cards my country I can buy 60 cards with $1
2006-03-17 16:29:02 UTC
It depends on what cards they are.

P.S. I'm addictied to them if you want to duel me get your game on.
stl. cards fan
2006-03-17 16:09:29 UTC
depends on what kind they are. go to to find out there prices.
2006-03-22 12:44:29 UTC
if u hav good and rare cards yes if not then no
2006-03-17 16:14:44 UTC
I'd say so

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