Well, it's a bit(so it's not a bit) too long. A deck usually don't work once it breaks the 50 card mark. U have about 10 different sort of creatures, six samurai... Crystal beast.... Gladiator beast etc... Stick to one, and no more. There are very few deck that work well with two types/classes/attribute/ group. Now, from what I can see, the best cards to make a deck out of ur jumbo is a beat down, beacuse sadly you don't have enough of anything.... six samurai requires 3 of zanji and (what's the name of the 1800?) each and crystal beast take 3 pegasus and Gladial beast take a total of 15+, each specific type you don't ahve enough. If u shorten the list and ignore the effect and build a beat down, u might have a chance...(I made a deck of urs and tested it, I only own 700 cards(real ones) and built 13 decks with them, it was beaten by #8, not a good thing) Now, go to big decks if u happen to like them for some reason, here is a few idea that actully works. 1: the chain monster deck: All the creature in deck have this ability, if this card is sent to the graveyard, blah blah blah, special summon a blah blah from your deck. such as:UFO turtle-->Masked Dragon-->troop dragon OR giant rat-->pyramid turtle-->sprit reaper This will annoy any body to their extreme, they just can't kill ur creatures. Run also a bunch of traders(1 to 1 or better ratio) that says this card will die but it will take one of yours with me.(MST, dust turnado, man eater....) And THREE sprit barrier. the idea of the deck is to create a infinite wall to blcok all attacks and take no damage. Meanwhile, the traders kill everything and allow your tiny creatures to poke him to death. Deck 2: normal rush(suggest 40 Normal monster, 15 magic and 10 traps) Run 3 heart of underdog, which means everytime you draw a normal monster, you have the option to draw more cards, up to 3 per each draw( if they are also normal, you get to draw more) you get to draw so many that you will empty your deck fast, with the aid of Two man self battle, you can summon 3 lvl 4 or lower normal monster to the field PER TURN. This basiclly says I get 5 creature on second turn, tribute them and run over opponent with huge amount of creature. Basiclly, a big deck only works if you run card that downsize it, and still useful. Man, I can talk....