White Night Dragon (WND) is an amazing card, and it's effect is best split up into 2 parts: Negating any spell or trap that targets it & attack redirec tion. In a way it's one of the best protection cards in the game, al with the stats of a BEWD. to monopolise on these effects, I would probably use the following carsd:
Shift (Trap) - It allows an opponent's effect that targets one of your monsters to target a different one. Redirect it to WND and it's instant negation
Dark Catapulter (Monster) - An old favorite of Jaden's in the GX series, this card has a Breaker lke ability of spell/trap destruction, however it needs to be around for a while and it's ATk & DEF are lacking so you can keep it out of attacks with WND's effect
LV monsters (Monster) - Many monsters in the LV series need to be on the feild for a turn (Silent Swordsman LV3, Armed Dragon LV3, Silent Magician LV4) so the WND attack absorber could really help
As the cards I mentioned above are very old and not often used, I would throw it in a generic dragon synchro deck:
Monsters (24)
3x White Night Dragon
3x Masked Dragon
3x Lord of D.
3x Debris Dragon
3x Magna Drago
3x Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV4
3x Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV6
2x Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV8
1x Morphing Jar
Spells (11)
3x Trade-In
2x The Flute of Summonong Dragon
2x De-Synchro
2x Stamping Destruction
1x Heavy Storm
1x Reasoning
Traps (5)
3x Dragon's Rage
1x Call of the Haunted
1x Mirror Force
Extra Deck (15)
1x 5* Synchro
4x 6* Synchro
1x Exploder Dragonwing
2x 7* Synchro
5x 8* Synchro
2x Trident Dragion