Texas Hold'em. Show or no.?
2006-03-03 13:07:00 UTC
Texas Hold'em. Show or no.?
Nine answers:
2006-03-03 13:09:10 UTC
I like to show sometimes and not show others. It helps to keep the other people guessing. When I bluff, sometimes I will show my cards, when I have pocket Aces, I will sometimes show. Then there are times I do not. I think it helps to keep you opponents from being able to read you and what you may be doing each hand.
2006-03-03 16:36:12 UTC
Sometimes. I'm a relatively tight player and if I'm betting I usually have the goods. Sometimes I'll be in with nothing and if I can bluff them off their hand I'll show it in the hopes that next time they'll think I'm bluffing when I'm not.

Of course, I also show straight-flushes when they happen. It's just too cool not to.
2006-03-03 13:10:05 UTC
Show or no? AS in, should you show your cards?

Yes and no. Depends on your strategy. Sometimes showing weak or bluffed hands will keep your opponents guessing as to what you actually hold onto. Don't ever show consistently though. And if you typically hold onto low pairs or low suited connectors, don't show that you favor those cards.
2006-03-04 03:50:22 UTC
Chris Ferguson said it, "Sometimes it's good to show you're bluffs, it keeps your opponent's thinking, but really you're just setting them up for later." Basically meaning if you show a bluff or two, an opponent may become more likely to call you when you got a hand.
2006-03-03 13:11:30 UTC
What ever you do, keep in consistant.

I personally never show my cards, unless I have to by the rules of the game
2006-03-03 13:07:52 UTC
Majority of the time I show, but there have been plenty of times when I wanna leave them wondering....."Did she really have a hand"
2006-03-03 20:05:41 UTC
never show they will learn how to read you in your play by the cards you show
2006-03-03 13:07:49 UTC
only show if your bluffing... it keeps them thinking...
2006-03-03 19:55:59 UTC

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