2008-04-01 16:21:00 UTC
Dark Magician of Chaos x1
zaborg x2
thestalos x1
Mobius the Frost Monarch x2
d.d scout plane x3
d.d survivor x3
Strike ninja x2 remove from play DDs Also Reinforcment
Cyber Valley x1
sprit reaper x1
Marshmallon x1
Kuribo x1 (dark-strike ninja fuel)
Exile Force x1
DD Warrior Lady x1
Swords of revealing light x1
Scapgoat x1
Lightening Vortex x1
soul exchange x1
brain control x1
dimensional fissure x2
mst x1
heavy storm x1
Smashing ground x1
Fissure x1
reinforcement of the army x2
macro cosmos x3
Mirror force x1
return fom the different dimension x2
torential tribute x1
Sakuretsu Armour x1
Any Suggestions?