Hey, how did you get your additional details to show on the question on the answering screen? Everybody else's Additional Details disappears! Well, anyway, I'll answer your questions and, if you choose me for the best answer, can you please answer my question? So:
1. I don't believe it does. I've gone to 2 Sneak Previews and my dad wasn't charged when he walked in. But then again, I was at the Disposable Heroes in Johnston, and they are very lenient on a lot of stuff. Be sure to check with the officials first.
2. Remember, you pay $20, and you get 5 booster packs and you could get a Participation card for free. And after you duel 5 times, you get a free booster pack. You can do this process as much as you want. Each time you enter, if you enter early, the most cards you get is 55 cards (9 in each booster pack, getting the extra pack, and getting the promo). You can get multiples of that promo card if you enter enough times before they run out. So whether you need a container or not to carry your cards depends on how many times you enter. Personally, I usually enter twice, for a total of 110 cards. But many of those get traded away.
3. You don't need a deck list. You can bring the other stuff, because they are always helpful.
4. Before the Sneak Preview begins, the Judges sign in. That usually means that the Sneak Preview will soon begin. When it starts, everybody goes to the desk that has the booster packs on them and the pile of people turns into a line. Then the first person in the line shows their UDE card and $20. If you do not have a UDE card, then the person either tells you to fill out a paper or tells you who can give you the paper you need to fill out. After you fill that out, you will most likely need to go back to the line. Then you hand in your info and they will give you your card. This card has your UDE number on it. When it is your turn in line, you show them your UDE and tell them your name. When everything checks out, you pay $20 and get your 5 booster packs, the Sneak Preview Participation card (if they still have one), and a Dueling Sheet. On this sheet, you write your UDE number and your name where needed and you duel other people and get their UDEs and their name and write their name on your sheet. (However, there are people who will just ask for your name and UDE to write on their sheet without having to duel you. In exchange, they will usually write their name and UDE on your sheet). You will also have to circle whether you won or lost the duel. When you have "dueled" 5 different people, you bring the Dueling Sheet to the desk with the booster packs. You exchange that paper for another booster pack. Then, for you, the tournament is over, unless you want to enter again for another $20. You can stay at that place for as long as you want. Also, if you stay long enough, they will give a free shirt to one lucky person who entered. At the last one, I won a Light of Destruction T-shirt.
5. You can enter the Sneak Preview pretty much whenever you want, and you have to leave when the store closes. Other than that, go crazy. But remember that only the first few (maybe 50) people get the Sneak Preview Participation card.
6. I pretty much answered #6 when I answered #4. The staff members of the Sneak Previews will always show you the way around the Sneak Preview.