Hmmm Toon Decks are Really Hard to Play with,You need to Learn alot of Tips First before Using Theme,Also No Matter what is Kind of deck you are Dueling againts,or What Kinda Of Deck you are Using,a Good Stratagie Would Save you:) ,Alright here are Some Tips That Might help you Alot
1-The Toon deck is based on a card Called "Toon world",If that card Destroyed While you have Toon Monsters on the Field,All the Other Toon Monsters will Get Destroyed also,Also there are 3 Toon Classes (A,B,C)
2-The Classes
Class "A":Thouse Kind of Monsters Need the Card "Toon World" on the Field To Special Summone theme from the Hand.If Toon World Get Destroyed they Will Get destroyed Also,If your Opponent Control No Toon Monsters on his Side of the Field,Then Thouse Toon Can attack you'r Opponent Life Points Directly.if your Opponent Control Toon Monsters,Then you can't attack him Directly With the effect's of Toon,They Cannot Attack the Turn they Get Summoned So i would Suggest Running a card Called "Venegful Bog Sprit".You need to Pay 500 Life Points While Attacking
"Toon Mermaid,Toon Summoned Skull,Blue Eyes Toon Dragon,Manga Ryu-ran"
Class"B": Requires "Toon World" to be on the field to be Summoned.f "Toon World" is destroyed it is also destroyed. If your opponent controls no "Toon Monsters", it can attack directly.
If your opponent does control a "Toon Monster", it must select the "Toon Monster" as the Attack Target when attacking
"Toon dark Magician Girl"
Class "C": Can be Summoned without the use of Toon World.If "Toon World" is destroyed, it is also destroyed.Cannot attack on the turn it is Summoned.
If "Toon World" is on your side of the field and your opponent controls no "Toon Monsters", it can Attack Directly.Are all level 4 monsters.Class C Toons can be set on the field when there's no Toon World on the field Unlike Class A and B Toons
"Toon Gemini Elf,Toon Masked Sorcerer,Toon Goblin attack Force,Toon Cannon Soldier"
3-The Weakness Of Toons:
Expect for "Toon dark Magician Girl" No Toon can attack the Turn it Got Summoned So i would Suggest Running "Venegful Bog Spirit" Magic card,Toon Monsters are very reliant on "Toon World" and all of them are destroyed when "Toon World" is destroyed. "Cursed Seal of the Forbidden Spell" renders your decks pretty much useless. Cards like "Stardust Dragon", "Dark Bribe", and "Solemn Judgment" can negate any card destruction effects. However, if the Toon World would be removed from the field by means other than destruction, such as with Giant Trunade or for the cost of Anteatereatingant, then the Toon monsters would remain unscathed."Future Visions" can also be included in a Toon Deck, since most Toon Monsters are considered Special Summons, which are unaffected by "Future Visions". Starlight Road is very useful against mass destruction cards that pose a threat against Toon World, such as Heavy Storm and Mobius the Frost Monarch.
So as i said,YOU HAVE to Protect Toon World No Matter what is the Sitiuation,So i would Suggest Putting Cards that Negate effects Also
4-Now here is a Good Deck List i used to have,It's up to you Now,You can make a Deck From Anything you want ^__^
Toon Gemini Elf X3
Toon Goblin attack Force X3
Toon dark Magician Girl X2
Blue Eyes Toon Dragon X2
Toon Summoned Skull X3
Toon Mermaid x2
Toon Cannon Soldier X2
Toon Masked Sorcerer X2
Snipe Hunter
Spirit reaper
Arcana Force 0-The Fool
Spell cards:X11
Toon World X3
Toon Tabel of Content X2
Scapegoat (You can use it To Summone toons,Since they get Special Summoned)
Venegful Bog Spirit
Monster Reborn
Dark Hole
Offerings to the Doomed
Gold Sacrofugus
Lightning Vortex
Trap Cards:X10
Bottomless Trap Hole X2
Mirror Force
Torrential Tribute
Dark Bribe X3
Starlight Road
Sakuretsu Armor X2
Alright Mate,Good Luck