2008-06-22 17:11:08 UTC
Rainbow Dark Dragon
Darklord Zerato
Ciaus the Shadow Monarch x2
The Dark Creator
DD Scout Plane x3
DD Survivor x3
Gren Maju Da Eiza x2
Dark Grepher x2
Doomsday Horror x2
Cyber Valley x2
Spirit Reaper
Strike Ninja
Prometheus, King of the Shadows
Allure of Darkness x2
DDR x2
Reinforcements of the Army x2
Soul Release x2
Soul Absorption
Mystical Space Typhoon
Heavy Storm
Dimensional Fissure
Macro Cosmos x2
Spirit Barrier
Torrential Tribute
Mirror Force
No Entry!
I helped him built part of this deck and borrow some of my cards. This deck so far is one of the most craziest I've ever seen. When I played againts him, he did the remove from play with Spirit Barrier, D. Fissure, Ectoplasmer and Sout Planes. I couldn't get through him. Then I finally Heavied the field and Attacked with DMoC, Jinzo, The Dark Creator and Dark Nephthys. Took out a big chunk off his LP. He then recovered with Prometheus and...