What are the rules re Texas Holdem poker "All in" betting?
2005-12-26 11:55:33 UTC
What are the rules re Texas Holdem poker "All in" betting?
Three answers:
2005-12-26 13:29:10 UTC
You may have to provide more information than this. Generally speaking, anyone can go all in at any time that they have the option to raise. There are certain instances (when calling an all in that is less than half the size of the minimum raise, for example) that this is not the case, but you won't often run into this problem.

If you're playing online, the computer will let you know. If you're in a cardroom, ask the dealer. If he's stymied, call over a floorperson. If you're playing a friendly home-game, you might as well just say that anyone can push anytime they could raise.

For more information, do a web search for "Robert's Rules of Poker."
2016-05-20 07:25:36 UTC
Everyone has a different opinion on what is beautiful or ugly. For example, some people might say that big eyes are beautiful. But others might say that they make you look like an alien. So there isn't really a "rule" to know if you're hot or not. What makes you more attractive is confidence. So you should always have that, a lot of people see that as beautiful. And if a guy says he's gone farther it doesn't really mean you're hot. Some guys just say that so they could seem hot. They don't want to look like they can't get any girl they want.
2006-01-25 12:33:10 UTC
you got my vote for best answer

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