CARD Tricks!!!!?
2006-03-21 16:32:16 UTC
Does anyone know of any card tricks or any magic involving floating and levitation? Say.... levitating a dollar bill, card or anything else. Or any other AWESOME tricks, none of those stupid "is this your card?" tricks.
Three answers:
The Anwser Man
2006-04-01 01:56:11 UTC
Place five cards in to three piles. Tell a person to tell u where the card is but not what it is. Pick up the piles, place the 15 cards down again ask him/her where is it now then repete the process two more times. After u find it, cout the cards out, place the face down, flick their card & say "this is your card."
2016-05-20 06:40:54 UTC
well i learn them for other people, because its hard to find any really good ones on the web. however i will attempt to give you one right here in a series of steps. 1) take 21 cards out of a deck. 2) place each card face up in three colums goinng down so that each card is overlaping the card befor it, still showing the last card. 3) each colum will have seven cards in it. 4) you now ask your victim to pick a card mentally. 5) once they have their card you ask them which of the three colums it is in. 6) this part is very important. you now take any of the other two colums, without getting the cards out of order, and place them in your hand. 7) you then take the colum with their card in it and place it on top of the one you just picked up. then do the same to the last colum. make sure the colum with their card in it is always in the middle. 8) repeat this process 2 more times (total of 3) and then do the following. 9) start from the top of your little deck and make piles of three, placeing the cards face down. 10) their card will always be in the middle of the fourth pile. 11) now you simply ask them to choose piles, i usually start with four/ 12) depending on the piles they choose, you either take away the ones they choose or the ones they didnt choose, leaving the magical fourth pile with their card. this gives them the illusion that there in control. 13) once you have narrowed it down to the *fourth* pile you seperate the cards, makeing sure that you know which is the middle card. 14) you then ask them to choose two of the cards and again depending on what they choose take away those or the ones they didnt choose. 15) finally you ask them to flip over the last card, this is for dramatic effect >=D 16) theyre freeking amazed! this trick is based entirely on mathematics and i myself am not to sure exactly how it works, just that it does. make sure you practice this a few times on yourself, and never let anyone touch the cards if possible, otherwise the trick is a trisk of being messed up. also im sorry if this was a little confusing but if you can pull it off its a cool trick!
2006-03-21 19:11:27 UTC
like making a card rise out of a deck.. there is also one where you can throw the card and have it spin on your finger... they all take practice and a trip to a magic shop

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