let me clear something up for Alicia before I answer that question. You hypocritical hater, what the hell gives someone the right to justify what others should spend their money on. I couldn't even imagine how much money a woman spends on make-up and dyes and 80 dollar haircuts all in the name of 'looking beautiful', which is totally unnecessary; because you can't hide a personality as ugly as yours under any amount of make-up. You are grotesque in your ability to undercut your own faults. Granted I may not be perfect, but I damn sure don't dictate how anyone should live. Especially people who have been so scarred by people just like you in their life and now can only feel comfortable on-line and hidden when they are ten times more beautiful and understanding than you apparently ever will be. You disgust me.
OK now for your question. The simple fact is that people love to judge and feel so superior to others to make themselves feel well about...themselves. *cough*Alicia*cough* The fact is anyone who casts that term on another hasn't bothered to realize that maybe it's not such a bad thing. It's entertainment, no different than watching television or a movie. Granted you can over indulge but that's a personal choice and has no right to be judged by anyone else. They aren't nerds unless they want to be, out of 13 million people most of them are just hard working Joe's who just enjoy the entertainment it provides, nothing more, nothing less.
Also note the term *smartass* is used to show fear/hate and lack of understanding. Sounds like a lil jealousy to me.
Here is my definition of nerd- An 'individual', i.e. a person who does not conform to society's beliefs that all people should follow trends and do what their peers do. Often highly intelligent but socially rejected because of their obsession with a given subject, usually computers. Now considering all these top YA contributors...I think you qualify for this term as well then...with your majority right in your lustrous title.
Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.....damn hypocrites.