Woahhh slow down man! The banlist is from Japan's Meta. No way in the **** would X-sabers get hit. Blackwings would get nerfed even more lol....
Here's my predictions in Japan.
Limited : Pot of Duality (Blackwings are being VERY consistent in Japan with their 3 Dualities, so due to blackwings, ill have to say Duality is going to be hit)
Lonefire Blossom : To slow quickdraw down, since plants and some variants of plants like Quickdraw are still popular in Japan, and Lonefire should be hit to slow down their consistency.
Semi-limited :
XX-saber Faultroll (No, probably not since X-sabers aren't doing much in Japan, they didn't even get darksoul yet, so the only thing that konami can do, as the retards they are, is hit Faultroll for no apparent Reason)
Mezuki (Yea, Zombies can't really do what they can do back at 2008, they're still playable, but Mezuki should give them some power back)
Six Samurai United - Crazy Draw power, but not to 1, not yet.
Gateway of the Six Sam - Japan still wants to make money from the release of Six Sams. Remember blackwings when their Whirlwind was at 3, and even builds with against the wind would kill the tourneys? Yea, they want people to try their new product.
Unlimited : I really don't know O.o
That's basically all i know for Japan so far. Blackwings are like Tier 0. Sabers aren't doing much, and I really don't know for sure what's going to happen, but I know that X-sabers will be saved for now. As for The Blackwings, they'll hit Duality maybe 2 or 1 to make blackwings less dominant, and less consistent. I don't think they'll limit solemn warning, since Duality is already taking a role to hitting blackwings, unless konami is going to be a *****, no way lol.
Overall, I DONT know, but i predict the format would stay the same, Blackwings would still be around in the Tier 1, but it really just depends on the player. If you hate X-sabers, Sept. banlist they're dead since OCG is smarter than the TCG, they'll make **** that would spam the hell outta darksoul, and when you know it, Darksoul will be banned :P. So w8 one more format for the complete annihilation of X-sabers :o
As for the Ban, cold Wave is getting hit so that X-sabers get hit, so be happy mate. I also have a strong feeling Seven Tools of the Bandit would be banned since it can stop solemn judgement and big plays that could win you the Game. But other than staples such as dark hole and monster reborn, that kind of stuff, meta decks would not be banned of any cards.