Spoons is a family favorite that we always play at my grandparent’s house. Any age can play this and have loads of fun. It’s FAST-PACED, laugh your butt off fun!
Here are some rules posted online...
But really this is a simple game, and the online rules make it sounds harder than it is. Here’s my easier description in a nutshell:
3-8 players
1. You’ll need one standard deck of cards (minus Jokers), and some metal spoons. The number of spoons you need is one less than the number of players. (So if you have 5 players, you’ll need 4 spoons)
2. Place the spoons so they’re lined up in the very center of the table within equal reaching distance of everyone.
3. Designate a dealer. That person will deal 4 cards to each person, and then keep the deck face down to his right. (each player should keep their cards hidden from anyone else’s view)
4. Players are looking to make a 4-of-a-kind match 4 Jacks, 4 Aces, etc.
5. The dealer begins play by picking up the top card from the deck. He then must immediately select ONE card from his hand and pass it face-down to the person directly on his left. The dealer will continue this "draw and pass to the left" in a rapid fashion without pausing.
6. All the players around the circle will end up doing the same thing. As a card is slid to them, they will IMMEDIATELY pick it from their right-hand side, select ONE card from their hand, and pass it on face-down to the left. (keeping in mind the goal that they’re looking for 4-of-a-kind).
7. Pretty soon everyone should be passing cards REALLY FAST in a clockwise circle around the table all at the same time. The person at the end of the line (IOW to the right of the dealer) should just create a face-down discard pile for all of their discards. This pile is now out of play.
8. The game ends when the first person gets a four of a kind. When this happens, they should QUIETLY take one spoon from the center of the table.
9. Once other players have noticed a spoon has been taken, they should also attempt to grab a spoon for themselves. And kablooey! One person will be left without a spoon, and they are the loser!
The part about being quiet is to sit back and see how long it takes everyone to notice that a spoon has been taken, if you make a ruckus it’s not as much fun. If other players are clever they’ll also be quiet so as not to alert too many people at the table. I’ve seen games that went on for 20 minutes after the first spoon was taken! And other times I’ve seen 2 players keep playing for a good 5-10 minutes after everyone else already has spoon in-hand.
I hope you enjoy this game as much as we do! If you try it, be sure to message me and let me know how it goes!